NEE Resources


Professional Development Plan Resources


8 tips for Reaching Out to Parents


27 Ways to Increase Family Involvement in the Classroom


Standard One:  Content knowledge and perspectives aligned with appropriate instruction.

Indicator 1.1:  Content knowledge and academic language


Doing It Differently: Tips for Teaching Vocabulary


8 Strategies for Teaching Academic Language


4 Good Visual Dictionaries for Teachers and Students


10 Dos and Don'ts for Teaching Vocabulary in Any Content Area


Haiku DeckFree App Builds Academic Vocabulary


Response: Many Ways To Help Students Develop Academic Vocabulary


Curriculum Redesign

Indicator 1.2:  Cognitively engaging students in subject matter – deep thinking



Inquiry-Based Learning


Standard Two:  Understanding and Encouraging Student Learning, Grown and Development

Indicator 2.2:  Sets and monitors student goals.


Teaching and Modeling Persistence: Setting Goals

Indicator 2.4:  Meeting the needs of every student 


Addressing Our Needs: Maslow Comes to Life for Educators and Students


Creating More Compassionate Classrooms


Simple Ways to Cultivate Happiness in Schools


Emotion is What Makes Students Tick


Two Helpful Resources on Social Emotional Learning


10 Things Your Students Need From You


The Emotional Atmosphere of a Classroom (video)


Five Keys to Successful Social and Emotional Learning


Standard Four:  Teaching for Critical Thinking

Indicator 4.1:  Instructional strategies leading to student problem solving and critical thinking


Bloom's Taxonomy: Teacher Planning Kit 


10 Team-Building Games That Promote Critical Thinking


Using Webb's Depth of Knowledge to Increase Rigor


Bloom's Critical Thinking Questions to use in Class


The Importance of Asking Questions to Promote Higher-Order Competencies


Tons of Resources for Teaching Critical Thinking to Your Students


Teaching Strategies to Promote Critical Thinking


4 Steps to Making Rigorous Discussion a Routine


Striving for Higher-Order Thinking and Depth of Knowledge


General Principles for Assessing Higher-Order Thinking


Three Steps to Critical Thinking


Planning for Critical Thinking : A 5-Step Model


5 Powerful Questions Teachers Can Ask Students

Bloom's Taxonomy Apps - A Great Resource Section for Teachers


Q & A Collections:  Instructional Strategies


Resources and Downloads for Teaching Critical Thinking


249 Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs for Critical Thinking


Useful Web Tools to Integrate Digital Blooms Taxonomy into Your Teaching


Interesting Graphic Featuring 30+ iPad Apps for Bloom's Taxonomy


Teaching Students to Dig Deeper


10 Practical Ideas for Better Project-Based Learning in Your Classroom


25 Top Concept-Mapping Tools for Visual Learning


What is Project Based Learning (PBL)?


10 of the Best Free Curriculum Resources for Teachers


4 Teaching Tips for More Effective Direct Instruction


How to Create a Rubric that Does What You Want It To


The Best Resources for Helping Teachers use Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom


The Differentiator


Inquiry Charts


I-Search Papers


Socratic Seminars


Power My Learning

Indicator 4.2: Appropriate use of instructional Resources to enhance student learning


COMMONLIT is a collection of poems, short stories, news articles, historical documents, and literature for classrooms.


cK-12 Website for Teacher Resources


Wonderful Resources to Integrate Technology in Your Classroom


Purpose Games - Create Online Review Games


This is How to Automatically Grade Quizzes Using Google Forms


6 Free Online Resources for Primary Source Documents


Teachers' Favored Web 2.0 Tools


App Suggestions for Learning Activities in BYOD Classrooms


Resources for the iPad


5 Tools for Creating Your Own Infographics


15 Excellent Apps for Learning


11 Must Have iPad Apps for Teachers


A Good iPad Fluency Graphic for Teachers


7 Wonderful Google Docs Tutorials for Teachers


7 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers Who Use Technology


80 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom


46 Tools to Make Infographics in the Classroom

Indicator 4.3: Cooperative Learning


10 Dos and Don'ts for Group Work & Student Grouping


Try Azendoo to Organize Group Projects


Standard Five:  Creating a Positive Classroom Learning Environment

Indicator 5.1:  Motivating and engaging students


27 Ways to Promote Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom


Strategies for Helping Students Motivate Themselves


7 Simple Ways You Can Help Students Pay Attention In A Traditional Classroom 


Are You Not Entertained? How to Build a Dynamic Lecture


"Why Do We Need to Learn This?"


Connecting with Students on the Fringes


Attention, Teachers! Why Students are Bored


10 Ways to Get Students Engaged


A Must See Visual Featuring the 5 Levels of Student Management


Good Time: 4 Ways to Reawaken Student Engagement


Six Strategies that Motivate ALL Students to Participate


5 Ways to Open Up Learning & Engage Students


Five Key Strategies to Get/Keep Kids Engaged at School


Kids Speak Out on Student Engagement


Cracking the Behavior Code


The Definition of Intrinsic Motivation


The 6 Key Drivers of Student Engagement


Student Debate Deepens Thinking and Engagement


Question & Answer Collection on Student Motivation


My Best Posts on Motivating Students


3 Easy Ways to Engage Students with Technology


25 Tricks to Improve a Boring Lesson for Improved Student Engagement  


Activity Speaks Louder than Words: Improving Student Engagement


How to Keep Kids Engaged in Class

Indicator 5.2:  Managing time, space, transitions, and activities


New Teachers: Classroom-Management Fundamentals


How to Begin Each Day on the Right Classroom Management Foot


Refocusing Students: How to Get Their Attention Back


14 Teacher-Recommended Classroom Management Apps


The Best Questions to Use for Class Closing Activities--What Are Yours?


Bell Ringer Exercises

Indicator 5.3b:  Establishes a secure teacher-child relationship


Do's and Don'ts of Classroom Management: Your 25 Best Tips


Classroom Management: The Intervention Two-Step


27 Classroom Management Strategies to Keep Things Fresh


4 Timeless Elements of Strong Student-Teacher Relationships


7 Tips for Better Classroom Management


Inside Classroom Management: Ideas and Solutions


Watch a Classroom Management Expert


Q & A Collections:  Classroom Management Advice


60 Ways to Connect with Your Students


Do You Like Your Teacher?


Classroom Management Strategies for Difficult Students:  Promoting Change Through  Relationships


A Really, Really Well-Written Set of Classroom Rules


Classroom Management Strategy: Here are Three Things I Want. What are Three Things You Want?


More Positive, Not Punitive, Classroom Management Tips


8 Classroom Management Tips from Google


Standard Seven:  Use of Student Assessment Data to Analyze and Modify Instruction

Indicator 7.4:  Effect of instruction on individual/class learning – formative assessment


10 Fun-Filled Formative Assessment Ideas


10 Exit Slip Prompts that Will Work for Any Class


8 Frequent Sources of Formative Assessment Data


Formative Assessment: The Right Question at the Right Time


12 Steps to Creating a Successful Redo and Retake Policy


5 Fantastic, Fast Formative Assessment Tools


5 Strategies for Formative Assessment


A Visual Chart on Summative VS Formative Assessment


Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding


Do You Check for Understanding Often Enough with Students?


Creating a Formative Assessment System


Exit Slips


Quiz Socket- A Simple Feedback Tool for Teachers and Students


22 Easy Formative Assessment Techniques for Measuring Student Learning


Hit the Mark with Digital Media Exit Cards


Rethinking Whole Class Discussion


Create Multimedia Presentations and Quizzes in Edmodo


10 Tools for Creating Class Puzzles and Quizzes


5 Great New Web Tools For Creating


EQuizShow: An application which allows teachers to create a quiz show to help students prepare for exams or assessments


Formative Assessments Are Easier Than You Think!


26 Teacher Tools to Create Online Assessments


12 Strategies for Critical Assessment


The Best Resources for Learning About Formative Assessment


How to Create a Test That Grades Itself Using Google Forms


Designing Assessment Using the Power of Google Forms


10 Assessments You Can Perform In 90 Seconds